
LEGO Castle March UK comic

It has been a while since i posted some new art. This Castle comic was created specifically for the March UK version of LEGO Magazine. I'm not sure if it was ever printed in the US mag so here it is just in case!

Images removed by me. Sorry.

I was given a new set (dwarf mine) just so I could have a troll mini-fig, which is actually pretty big and entirely awesome!

Also, I have changed some of the blogger settings so now more people should be able to post comments, but there should be fewer spam comments. My fingers are crossed. I also learned how to post remotely via e-mail! I am psyched about that!


Majesty 2 actually in production.

As some of you may know, I used to make computer games for Massachusetts based company, Cyberlore Studios. Cyberlore closed its doors a couple of years ago and that is when I decided to become a full-time freelancer.

One of Cyberlore's greatest accomplishments was our original game Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim. I loved making and playing Majesty! I was personally responsible for designing the Title graphic. We even made a one level tech demo for Majesty 2 waaay back in 2003. Now some other company has bought the rights to Majesty and is making a sequel. You can read all the juicy details over at IGN...

Majesty 2 announcement at IGN

Screenshots of Cyberlore's original Majesty 2 tech demo

And here is a teaser movie for the new Majesty that was released on YouTube...

Personally, I think it looks a tad on the mediocre side but I'll wait and see how it turns out. The charm of the original Majesty was more in its personality than the graphics so looks don't mean everything.


New York Comic Con 2008

Man am I tired!

My wife and I attended the 2008 New York Comic Con this past weekend where we enjoyed some fantastic weather and the good company of our many friends. I am terrible about taking enough photos. I only took about 25 pictures for the whole trip. I took 3 pics inside the con but they all turned out blurry and grainy so I only have a few of the entrance to showcase.

The show was at least 2X bigger than last year and it was SUPER BUSY! I am a big guy so it was hard for me to navigate the crowds. My wife had an easier time maneuvering, but she was in elbow range of a lot of people so she had to be on the defensive. She was also in armpit range and since deodorant seems to be rare at cons, that was a danger all its own!

Overall I think the show was great for comic fans, but I would have enjoyed it more if there was more anime stuff (there was plenty manga but I don't read much). Stuff like gashapon, mecha toys, and some anime art books- those are the things I like to see. We only went to the show for part of Saturday and spent the rest of our time trekking around the city on foot. Sunday was spent mostly in East Village up to the Washington Square park. We went to some cool shops such as Toy Tokyo where we finally found a good stash of gashapon and also to Forbidden Planet where they watch you like a hawk to make sure you aren't shoplifting. Image Anime is another awesome store but they were closed when we tried to go. Too bad since they are the major Mecha dealers in this part of the country!

A couple of other places visited on Saturday include the Times Square Toys-R-Us, the Hello Kitty Sanrio store, and the awesome Japanese book store, Kinokuniya. I bought a bunch of fun art supplies at Kinokuniya- I love that place!

Saturday night was fun because we had dinner with the crew from Mirage as well as our friends Peggy and Sean Wang. See Sean's site here... www.seanwang.com

And finally here are some pictures...

Outside the Javits Center

View of the city from the Javits

Inside the Javits front doorsHeading into the CHAOS!
My con badge, an original TMNT water color by Eric Talbot, and some art stuff from Kinokuniya!


Just too busy!

Hey there, sorry for the lack of posts over the last two weeks. I have been swamped trying to get a couple of books done on time. So far so good but it is going to be close and I am starting to get cranky!

My wife and I are going to the New York Comic Con next weekend just as attendees so that should be fun. I wish we could go into the city on Friday but neither of our schedules permit that sort of leisure. I have never gone to a comic con just to go. I always have a table in artist alley so I can't really partake of the activities. Heck, I never even look to see what they have going on. Since this time is different, I have been looking at the con schedule and it looks like there is some fun stuff to do! I also want to see a bit of the city because I have only been 3 or 4 times since I moved to this part of the country 12 years ago.

I haven't had a decent paycheck in about 2 months so I have my fingers crossed that I'll get one soon or I won't be able to buy any new toys or swag at the con :(

My schedule is staying busy and I have a few new projects starting very soon. All good stuff that I am looking forward to working on.

Hope you are all doing well! Cheers!!!


Here are some cool blogs you should check out!
Random Curiosity : Reviews for anime that is currently airing on TV in Japan. Helps me decide what to watch and the reviews are well written.
24 Frames Per Second : News and reviews about Asian cinema (mostly action and horror). After you see all the cool movies then you can go to Yesasia.com and order them on DVD!!!