
New Mecha Zone book on Kickstarter

Woohoo! I am super excited to announce my new art book, Mecha Zone Sketches and I need YOUR help to print the book.

Support me on Kickstarter--> http://tinyurl.com/MZ-Sketches-KS
Please follow the link for all the details. There are lots of pictures and even a video of me explaining the whole thing.

How can you help? 1) You can back the funding campaign on Kickstarter and 2) you can share this post or a link to the campaign. All the art is done... I just need help with the printing cost of $1000.
$15 gets you a copy of the book and it WILL be ready in time for Christmas. HINT HINT ;) There's even some original art available as rewards.

One last note. This is an all or nothing thing. I won't receive any of the money if I don't get enough backers in 30 days. So don't delay. And it would be great if I could get way more backers than the bare minimum. Not because I want the money, but because I want a lot of people to enjoy my drawings :)


#kickstarter #MZ_Sketches

1 comment:

janosik said...


UNLIMITED CASH I took the risk and in exactly 6 days later my card was delivered to my home address here and that same evening I used the card to take out $5000 for a start. It's been just 3 weeks and my life has taken a new shape. I simply want to say thank you to this electronic company and help spread their fame abroad. If you ever are in need of this card details on how to get yours today, YOu can also Whatsapp: +12134218707 email crown_technology@yahoo. com