
New look for web page?

I've been thinking of re-doing my web site for a while now due to some criticisms I have received as well as some reasons of my own.


  • overall look isn't eye catching
  • portfolio images are too small and unappealing
  • people will almost always look at my physical portfolio and then tell me that I am much better than my web-page makes me look :(
My reasons:
  • page layouts are not very flexible
  • front page images aren't the best I could be using
  • I have two styles (comic and painterly) but only one of them ever really gets me any work (comic) so I want to re-focus my samples and general feel
With these things in mind, I have been toying with some different layouts and looks. here's a preview of the one I did today. I don't know if I like it or not. I tried to make a logo of sorts but since my business initials are D.W.I. I'm not sure if it is good to use them. I'm afraid I'll get a lot of "driving while intoxicated" comments. "Drawing while intoxicated" comments would be fine ;)

So what do you think? Please let me know, thanks!
I would make the sample images random so you would get a different set of pictures every time you visited the site or reloaded the page. I was also thinking of adding a little news section at the bottom so I could post important messages and updates.


LEGO Mars Mission Comic #1

If you haven't seen the new MARS MISSION product line form LEGO then get ready to see some cool toys! This is the first comic I created for the bi-monthly LEGO Magazine and was the first time I got to see all the awesome ships for Mars Mission. Too bad this comic only shows a poor spaceman being chased by some Martians. Don't fret!!! The next comic, which is actually a 2 page spread AD, is really, really cool and features most of the vehicles. I just can't post it until it is released for print :(

Anyway, this first comic does a great job of conveying the feel of the overall brand and I am pretty proud of how it turned out. Hope you like it too!

Images removed by me. Sorry.


Science Fiction Book Club!

One day not long ago I got a cold call from The Science Fiction Book Club about using an illustration of mine for their newsletter cover. I'm not sure how they found me (Though I suspect it was Bob!). Luckily I own the rights to the image they wanted! I got a call a couple of months later from a friend working at the Art Institute in Phoenix who had just received his SFBC newsletter and recognized my art. Jim was nice enough to mail me his copy or else I would never have seen it. THANKS Jim.

I have lots of images that are available for second rights usage but I never seem to have the time to make a web page for them. I'm sure I could make a little extra cash if I made the images known. Maybe some day...

Here's a scan of the newsletter. I think it has a cool retro look to it because of the print screen.