Newest LEGO Mars Mission Comic
I received my copy of the newest Lego Club Magazine last week and inside was this new 4 page Mars Mission Comic. The Art director made a few small changes to the art (all for the better!). If you have the magazine then you can try to spot the changes...
Images removed by me. Sorry.
The big spaceship on the last two pages is a new model that can be made from the parts of the Hypersonic Operations set. I had to do the layouts and pencils before the model had been designed! Lucky for me that the final design worked in the space I left open.
I just finished a new Agents comic but it is only for the German mag. I also just finished a new Indiana Jones story that took me forever to color. I'm pretty tired but there's a ton of other work to do so I don't have time to be a slacker! Better to be too busy than not have anything at all to do!!! Watch out for the Indy comic in the next magazine :)