
2 New Exo-Force Chapterbooks

I just finished the interiors for Exo-Force Chapterbook #6, which you can already pre-order on Amazon.com :0 That reminded me that I wanted to add links for the previous two chapterbooks which are now available. Here are links to the two newest releases on Amazon.com

Book #4:
Ghost Of The Past

Book #5: Race To The Golden City
I always have a blast illustrating these books! The completion of #6 marks my 4th book in the series since I wasn't brought on by Lego and Scholastic until the 3rd book. Too bad, but at least I was invited to the party ;)

Do you have any of these books? I would love to know what you think!


LEGO Exo-Force March comic

Whew! I finally finished 3 books for Scholastic back-to-back and I am tired! I have another one coming up next month but there is a bit of a reprieve so I can finally catch my breath and make some posts.

Look below to see the two page Exo-Force comic I created for the March LEGO Magazine. Not quite as fun and exciting as the last Exo comic, but still a joy to create.

Images removed by me. Sorry.