
LEGO Indiana Jones comic #1

OK! Here's the clean art for the 2 page Lego Indiana Jones comic I did a couple of months ago for Lego Magazine. This particular comic was initially created for the "School" version of the magazine so there are lots of animals that have educational importance and Indy comments on each of them in the text so kids learn a little something while watching Indy run around.

I'm working on another one of these right now and having fun. I'm also eagerly awaiting the movie, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull! (click to see the trailer)

Images removed by me. Sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks great.
I think it's just too cool that LEGO has a "school" version.
I'm amazed at how much easier it is for kids to learn when they don't know they're learning.

Thanks for posting this.
BTW- I'm so anxious for the movie also.