
Optimus Prime Transformers wallpaper

I cobbled this together from an image I made earlier this year for practice. One day I hope to actually do some transformers work, but I have never had the time to actually contact Hasbro in any way. I'm not assuming they would hire me, but they CAN'T hire me if they don't know I exist.

My 2008 calendar is filling up and I am as busy as ever so I will have to force myself to put together a submission package. If only I didn't need to sleep! Well, enough of my ramblings... here's that wallpaper @ 1600 x 1200


LEGO Castle Wallpaper

It's SNOWING!!! Looks like we will get 6-10 inches today and a bunch more on Sunday. I used to love snow but now that I have to shovel my own driveway I'm not as happy to get large amounts as I used to be :)

I have been making an effort to post more often, but that is hard since I don't usually have a lot of news that I can share. Artists always have to sign "Non Disclosure Agreements" for just about everything that prohibits us from talking about anything that isn't already released through the "proper" channels. Everything I am currently working on is under NDA so the best I can do for now is to make you all a desktop wallpaper featuring the LEGO Castle toys. Size is 1600 x 1200 because that is my desktop resolution :P


December LEGO Mars Mission Comic

Brrrrrr!! It is getting cold outside, but here is a little something to warm you up :)

I was out at Lego yesterday and picked up the latest issue of LEGO Magazine, which featured lots of cool stuff including this new Mars Mission 2 page comic. Want to know what the characters are saying? Guess you will just have to join the Lego club so you can get the magazine too!

Images removed by me. Sorry.